This paper explores the significant impact that Islamic teachings have in disease prevention. It dives into the significant relationship between Islamic teachings and the maintenance of one's health, incorporating ideas from both scientific and Islamic viewpoints. By examining the Quran and Hadith, this study uncovers valuable guidance on health, disease, and strategies for preventing illnesses from an Islamic standpoint. In addition to this, it details the development of Prophetic Medicine (Al-Ṭibb Al-Nabawī), beginning with the time of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and continuing up until the present day. This paper outlines a comprehensive strategy to empower Muslims with the knowledge and skills necessary for disease prevention, grounded in Islamic principles.
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4. Tulchinsky TH. Marc Lalonde, the Health Field Concept and Health Promotion. In: Case Studies in Public Health. Elsevier; 2018. p. 523–41.
5. Omar H. K. Kasule Sr. https://omarkasule-tib.blogspot.com/. 1011P-Qur’anic Concept about Health and Illness.
6. Need for a New Medical Model - A Challenge for Biomedicine.
7. Bonita R, Beaglehole R, Kjellström Tord, World Health Organization. Basic epidemiology. World Health Organization; 2006. 213 p.
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9. Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziah. Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet. 2nd Edition. Maktaba Dar-us-Salam; 2003. 17–18 p.
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11. Avicenna. AMS Press, New York. 1973 [cited 2023 Oct 11]. The Canon of Medicine of Avicenna. Available from: https://ia600609.us.archive.org/25/items/CanonOfMedicine/Canon-of-Medicine.pdf
12. Ruth Alsop MFBJH. Empowerment in Practice: From Analysis to Implementation. World Bank; 2006.